A Man Tying a Headband Around the Head

Starting the New Year and New Initiatives at Bilay House

About 60 people live together at Bilay House. Improved oversight structure is being put in place to make sure a safe and healthy living environment for them while I continue being an advisor and a supporter, with your warm support and understanding, for the facility.
I will be returning soon to the frigid weather in Denver from Thailand where it’s comfortable to be in a short-sleeve T-shirt and a pair of shorts.
Photographed are from various activities at Bilay House, including 1) renovations of boys’ dormitory, 2) curry and rice by Sensei, everyone’s favorite!, 3) a seminar for a group of high school aged children to start carrying out safety inspections, 4) practicing Aikido (of course!), and 5) Pastor Bilay and Hom, a AHAN coordinator and my wife.