Anyone Who Opens their Own Dojo is Crazy; Words of the Founder III

June 26, 2015

Prologue: This article is the third in this series, “Words of the Founder”. This series of articles detail lessons I learned from the Founder and my experiences as the last uchideshi and otomo to the Founder, Morihei Ueshiba. The first two articles: This Old Man Doesn’t Need it Anymore; Words of the Founder I Do Not Teach Budo if You …

This Old Man Does Not Need It Any More- Words of the Founder

April 21, 2015

The last years in Iwama… In the last years of his life, the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba lived at the Aiki Shrine dojo in Iwama, Japan. He lived in Iwama until the end of his life when he was moved to Hombu dojo in Tokyo for more intensive medical treatment for liver ailments. During those last years, the Founder …

Farewell to the Consul General of Japan at Denver; Failure in Bureaucracy

April 10, 2015

The Present April 10th, 2015 Surprising…shocking actually… are the only words to describe how I felt about what happened shortly before noon on March 24th, 2015. Having just completed his duties as Consul General of Japan in Denver, Mr. Ikuhiko Ono, paid a surprise visit to see me on his last day in Denver before returning to Japan. During his …