July 31st -August 31st, 2015
The Aikido Nippon Kan General Headquarters Summer Seminar is unique in many ways. One of the most challenging and beneficial aspect of this seminar is that it held for a period of 30 days of continuous practice. This dynamic seminar is not designed as some Aikido seminars are as an expensive vacation weekend retreat but a 30 day marathon of opportunity for extensive practice, sharing and learning.
Two to three Aikido classes are regularly instructed daily at Aikido Nippon Kan but during this Summer Seminar, one class per day is designated and instructed by Homma Kancho. Within the 30 day seminar, students have many opportunities to attend these special classes while working around their work schedules and other obligations.
Throughout the year, Homma Kancho spends much of his time on international AHAN projects or teaching over-seas and during his absences regular classes are instructed by our skilled staff of Nippon Kan instructors. For this Summer Marathon however, Homma Kancho teaches every day; giving all students an opportunity to practice directly under his instruction for an extended period of time.
Lots of energy-lots of hard practice!
Simultaneously, the Summer Seminar program for uchideshi takes place. Students from all over the world apply, but only ten people are accepted into this training intensive. The uchideshi spend 6 to 7 hours a day for these 30 consecutive days with continual practice and activities.
All of the international uchideshi also join in the daily summer seminar classes for all students, generating a level of enthusiasm and energy infectious to all Nippon Kan general students. This is a great opportunity for all students to practice, learn and share with young Aikidoka from all over the world.
The cost of this seminar to Nippon Kan students is $50 for the entire 30 days of practice. All seminar fees and supplemental private donations were all donated to support AHAN WWY Earthquake Support Projects in Nepal.
Aikido Nippon Kan Summer Marathon Uchideshi training 2015