Celebrating Homma Kancho’s 50 Years of Practice Anniversary


May 23rd, 2014

Here at AHAN Mindanao, all of our students and friends gathered to celebrate Homma Kancho’s 50 years of practice and his birthday. Congratulations, Homma Kancho!

Happy Birthday Homma Kancho!

Happy Birthday Homma Kancho!








 The dance of the Badjao people

Expanding the Dojo

April 10th, 2014  

Recently we expanded the AHAN Mindanao dojo; with a growing number of live-in students we needed a bigger kitchen!








 Bigger kitchen space and entry area after construction

Reported by
AHAN Mindanao Coordinator
AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarter Certified Instructor
Ava Yancha Sensei