AHAN Nippon Kan Bangladesh Activity Report


May-Aug 2009

Bargaining for rice with Maji (blue shirt) and staff member Ratan.

Bargaining for rice with Maji (blue shirt) and staff member Ratan.

My name is Maji Sarkar, and I am the coordinator for AHAN Bangladesh. Every month it is my job to purchase and supervise the delivery of 500 kilos of rice each to two different orphanages in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. For the past three years, AHAN has supported both the Dharmarajika Orphanage for boys and the Madrasa Orphanage for girls and in the past three years over eight tons of rice have been delivered to the two orphanages. I have been very proud to have been part of this AHAN Nippon Kan project for the past three years and look forward to working with AHAN in my country in the future.

May Rice Delivery

June Rice Delivery

July Rice Delivery

August Rice Delivery

Written by
AHAN Bangladesh Coordinator
Maji Sarkar