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Superfluous of cholesterol relatve to bile salts and lecithin the jaundice of hepatc damp squib may effect from several disturbances but the premiere danseuse defect is (ii) Infecton and infammaton that there are insufcient functoning liver cells to conjugate the standard bilirubin trouble. The noteworthy (iii) Stasis causes are: Compositon (i) Terminal cirrhosis (i) Opposing stones (approximately 90%) (ii) Whopping necrosis (ii) Pure stones a. Gall-stone ileus (ii) Empyema (v) Fatal metamorphose (iii) Gangrene which may riddle and produce Gall-stones are present in about 90% of cases of carcinoma of the gall-bladder a. Malignant tumours (iii) Clan Carcinoma (iv) Sexual congress (i) Gall-bladder (v) Reduced entero-hepatc circulaton a. Anaplastc (i) Mordacity stones (ii) Extra-hepatc ducts Rabelaisian features (ii) Curable restraint a. Duodenal divertculum (ii) Local infammaton - duodenal ulcer or pancreatts (iv) Malignant stricture/occlusion (iii) Parasites a. 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Atrophy (iii) Heyday hyperparathyroidism (i) Atherosclerotc (iv) Hyperlipoproteinaemia (ii) Obstructon of biggest ducts resultng from (v) Pregnancy and gall-stones a. Penetrating pericardits (i) Mucus-secretng (mucinous cystadenocarcinoma) (i) Secondary to myocardial infarcton (ii) Acinar, non-mucus secretng (ii) Uraemia 2. Viral - uniquely Coxsackie B (i) Obstructve jaundice (v) Tranquillizer reactons (ii) Cholangits (vi) Postmyocardial infarcton/postcardiotomy syndromes (iii) Biliary cirrhosis (vii) Idiopathic 2. Excessive lipase secreton by way of widespread swelling may give (vi) Actnomycosis (i) Polyarthrits (vii) Amoebiasis (ii) Panniculits (overfed necrosis) B. Heart 1 Insulinoma (B-cell malignancy) (ii) Lymphoma/leukaemia 388 389 (iii) Thymoma (ii) Missing cusps 2. Overloading of the right ventricle leading to hypertrophy and failure (iii) Franchise ductus arteriosus 3. Right-hand ventricular hypertrophy Infammaton of the myocardium caused sooner than: (ii) Eisenmenger complex 1. Bacterial infectons (i) Diphtheria (ii) Typhoid (iii) Spread from pericardits, infectve endocardits (iv) Pyaemic spread, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. Large mesenchymal cells (Anitschkow myocytes) which are purposes altered fbroblasts e. Joints (i) Idiopathic difuse myocardial fbrosis Synovits and infammaton of the capsule (ii) Endocardial fbro-elastosis 3. Rheumatc fever (iii) Erythema marginatum Aetology (iv) Erythema multforme An allergic reacton to streptococcal antgens (v) Petechiae 1. Antbodies to these antgens cross-react with myocardial fbres, arterial smooth muscle cells, (vi) Urtcaria and connectve tssue proteoglycans (vii) Livedo retcularis 2.

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